As a precautionary measure, on Friday, Oct. 2, Trump was flown via helicopter to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he’ll remain for “a few days,” the White House says. But his symptoms and the first lady’s are reportedly “mild.” According to a memo from Trump’s physician, Sean Conley, DO, and other sources close to the situation, these are the COVID symptoms the Trumps are experiencing as of Oct. 2. And if you’re now wondering how risky your behavior is, here are the Things You’re Still Doing Every Day That Put You at COVID Risk. “As of this afternoon the president remains fatigued but in good spirits,” Conley wrote in a memo on Trump’s standing, citing one of the most prevalent coronavirus symptoms. In fact, in a survey of 640 coronavirus survivors conducted by the Body Politic COVID-19 Support Group, fatigue was the most common COVID symptom, with 98.4 percent of respondents experiencing it. And for more on the connection between COVID and sleep, know that Getting This Much Sleep Could Increase Your Risk of Catching COVID. On Friday afternoon, NBC News reported that “the president had a low-grade fever, according to three people familiar with his condition.” That’s another common symptom among COVID survivors—72.2 percent of respondents in the Body Politic survey reported having a temperature under 100.1 degrees Fahrenheit. Curious how the virus tends to manifest? A new study says If Your Symptoms Appear In This Order, You Likely Have COVID. In Conley’s memo, he reported that Melania Trump “remains well” and is only experiencing two symptoms, the first being a “mild cough.” A dry cough was a COVID symptom that 72.7 percent of patients in the Body Politic survey reported experiencing. And for the biggest tell-tale COVID symptom, There’s an 80 Percent Chance You Have COVID If You Have This. According to Conley’s memo, the other symptom the first lady has is a headache, which was the fourth most common symptom in the Body Politic COVID survey. Eighty-four percent of patients said they experienced it.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb And for more up-to-date information on the Trumps’ COVID diagnosis, sign up for our daily newsletter.

4 COVID Symptoms President Trump and the First Lady Reportedly Have - 544 COVID Symptoms President Trump and the First Lady Reportedly Have - 864 COVID Symptoms President Trump and the First Lady Reportedly Have - 644 COVID Symptoms President Trump and the First Lady Reportedly Have - 87