READ THIS NEXT: 5 Relationship Red Flags Everyone Misses, Experts Warn. If a person you just met agrees with everything you say, you may want to move forward with caution. According to Tanisha Ranger, PsyD, CSAT, a licensed clinical psychologist, they could be doing this because they don’t want to volunteer anything about themselves that might reveal an incompatibility between the two of you. They’ll make it seem like you like the same things—“and truly, it’s false,” says Ranger. A person who does this could be trying to manipulate you into thinking they’re the perfect partner. Or, it could be more harmless. “The other concern is that they … truly don’t have a lot of opinions and perhaps don’t like making decisions,” says Ranger. “And let me tell you, it can be incredibly exhausting to make all the decisions because the other person always says something along the lines of ‘I don’t care. Whatever you want to do.’” A good first date should have an even-sided conversation. So, if you notice you’re the only one asking questions, you’ll want to take note. “It’s important that both people on a date are not just listening to the other person talk in order to find something they can relate to and interject with, but to listen in order to truly get to know this person,” says Megan Sherer, holistic therapist in New York City and Los Angeles. “Ideally you would want both people to be asking thoughtful follow-up questions to show their interest and engagement in what you’ve been sharing.” If your date isn’t doing this, Sherer says it could just be a sign that they are nervous and in their head. However, it may also indicate a deeper inability to create true intimacy. “You deserve someone who is fascinated by your stories and eager to get to know what makes you you,” says Sherer. On the flip side, asking too many questions is also a red flag. “If you walk away from the date and feel like you talked about yourself a lot and you know hardly anything about them, it could be a sign that they are hiding something or are vetting you based on some internal criteria like your position in life, your wealth or friends group,” says Celeste Labadie, licensed marriage and family therapist in Colorado. Unfortunately, it’s easy to walk away from these dates and feel they went extraordinarily well. “We all like to have someone show interest in us,” says Labadie. “But there’s a tipping point on true interest and gathering information about you.“ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb RELATED: For more relationship advice delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter. Take note if your date attempts to push your boundaries on a first date. “This might look like not taking the hint that you’re not comfortable talking about certain topics, pushing the ordering of another drink, or being pushy around your boundaries on time, to name a few,” says Billie Roberts, a therapist in Columbus, Ohio. “People tend to be on their best behavior when making a first impression, so sometimes suspicious behavior during a first encounter may just be the tip of the iceberg.” More intense boundary-pushing may lie ahead if you continue the relationship. Pump the breaks if you leave a first date and feel that you’ve just met your soulmate—or that the person you were with makes you feel special in a way no one has before. According to Julie Landry, PsyD, ABPP, founder of Halcyon Therapy Group in San Antonio, Texas, this could actually be a red flag. “The problem is, it’s too much too soon,” says Landry. “While this is typically an unconscious behavior, it’s a manipulation tactic and often a sign of narcissism.” Love bombing could pave the way for an all-consuming relationship that includes elements of control, guilting, and codependency. “It’s easy to fall into what feels like romance but is actually emotional abuse,” says Landry. If you think love bombing might be present in your partnership, consult a trusted family member, friend, or therapist to get their perspective.