The entire episode has proven to be an embarrassment for Djokovic, who had touted the tournament’s safety measures in advance. “From day one of the organization of the Adria Tour, we’ve been following the rules and the measures that have been regulated by government institutions and health public institutions,” he proudly stated before the most recent leg of the tour. RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. Just a few days later, however, he was in full damage-control mode as reports of the Adria Tour started to roll in. The AP reported that the stands were packed with fans and reported that players were seen mingling without proper social distancing, playing in basketball and soccer games, and visiting a nightclub. The world’s No. 3 player, Thiem, has since apologized for his conduct at the tournament. “Our behaviour was a mistake,” he wrote on Instagram. “We acted too euphorically. I am extremely sorry.” In the latest twist, video has emerged showing how Djokovic and others were hardly showing proper social-distancing protocols. Here is the video, courtesy of Benoit Maylin and “I am extremely sorry for each individual case of infection,” Djokovic said in a statement on Tuesday. “I hope that it will not complicate anyone’s health situation and that everyone will be fine. I will remain in self-isolation for the next 14 days, and repeat the test in five days.” And for more on the coronavirus, learn how If Everyone Did This, 30,000 Lives Would Be Saved from COVID-19.