RELATED: The Least Reliable Zodiac Sign, According to an Astrologer. You likely know Leos for being the showmen of the zodiac, always vying for the spotlight and the opportunity to perform. But don’t let those charismatic qualities fool you—this sign is also a fiercely loyal friend and will make you feel like a million bucks every time you chat, even if you’ve come to them with a serious issue. “Their excellent intuition will aid them with clues about the situation you are venting about—and that can help them read between the lines and make you feel understood,” says Jill Loftis, astrologer and founder of Nuit Astrology. Occasionally, they’ll verbally agree with you even if they don’t think you’re correct. Fortunately, though, this is never done with ill-intent. “Their advice won’t steer you wrong,” confirms author and astrologer Lisa Barretta. This happy-go-lucky sign is always planning its next boozy brunch, tapas tasting, and cross-country vacation. But if you have a serious issue you need advice on, you may want to skip them—unless you’re looking for a distraction. “Saggies have an amazing sense of humor and will tell you what you want to hear so you can both skip over the problem and get on with a good time,” says Barretta. After all, who cares about the manner in which you handled a tough situation at work when there are cocktails to be had right now? Probably not a Sagittarius. You’re better off meeting up with this sign after you’ve sorted through your feelings. RELATED: The Worst Zodiac Signs to Travel With, According to Astrologers.

The mother of the zodiac, Cancers are nurturing, sensitive, and emotional. Because of that, “[they] are pretty likely to tell you what you want to hear because they want to support you,” says Crescent, professional tarot reader and astrologer at Crescent Divination. However, they’re not doing this to purposefully hurt you or lead you astray—although their actions could lead you down a poor path. “In their mind, there is rarely harm in telling you what you want to hear, and if things don’t work out they will be there to help you back up,” says Crescent. “They tell themselves you need to learn some lessons the hard way, and this is how they do it.” If your BFF is a Cancer, it might be best to get a second opinion. Sensitive, imaginative, and wise, your Pisces pal is probably one of the first people you turn to for advice. Because of their highly intuitive abilities, they can empathize with how you’re feeling at any given moment. “They have a very soothing, soulful way of calming you down and finding exactly the right words to use when telling you what you want to hear,” says Barretta. In that way, this sign turns people-pleasing into a positive. “They’ll sense the energy around the situation and tailor their words of wisdom toward whatever will bring you the most comfort,” Andrea Scalisi, astrologer and owner of The Haven Shoppe. If you need confirmation that you’re in the right, then they’ll give you that. If you need tough love, well, you may need to look elsewhere. READ THIS NEXT: For more astrology delivered straight to your inbox,sign up for our daily newsletter.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Geminis have the gift of the gab. They are, of course, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. When chatting with a Twin, you’ll often find yourself revealing more and more, potentially because they repeatedly tell you exactly what you want to hear. “They love the tea, and they don’t want you to cut them off by instantly shutting you down,” says Crescent. However, if they think you mishandled a situation, they may try to steer you in a different direction. If that happens, though, they’ll do it so tactfully that you’ll believe it was your idea in the first place. “However, if you really messed up, they won’t be respectful about it,” says Crescent. In the end, they just might be the sign you want in your corner when faced with a challenging predicament. Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of love and harmony, and are best known for being tactful communicators, diplomats, and charmers. This makes them the most people-pleasing zodiac sign. “Librans dislike conflict and have a tendency to be ‘yes’ people, even if their insides are screaming ’no,’” says Loftis. “Not wanting to make waves or cause you any distress, they’ll listen carefully, nodding encouragement and trying to make you feel heard and at ease.” You can also expect this trait to come out during networking events and in business situations. “Libras can be glib and schmoozy when they want to win social points or ingratiate themselves with another person or group,” says Jetta Moon, astrologer and blogger at Astroligion. When the roles are flipped, Libras prefer you to fudge the truth to protect their feelings, too. “They are the most likely to be upset if they are told something they don’t want to hear because they expect you to do the same,” says Crescent. READ THIS NEXT: The Luckiest Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers.