READ THIS NEXT: USPS Is Getting Rid of This Service, Starting in January. Providing mail services to people across the U.S. is not the USPS’ only responsibility: It is also responsible for keeping workers and customers safe. “The Postal Service is committed to providing its employees and customers with a safe and healthy environment and complying with applicable safety laws and regulations,” the agency states. According to the USPS, deliveries can be suspended and post offices can be temporarily closed for safety issues that have the ability to impact mail carriers, other workers, and anyone sending and receiving mail. These safety issues include hazardous conditions and natural disasters. However, the Postal Service clarifies that it only curtails services “after careful consideration,” and just as a “last resort.“ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb “We appreciate your understanding of our responsibility for the safety of our employees, as well as of our customers,” the agency states. Now, the USPS has announced new (and necessary) suspensions. The Postal Service just temporarily closed two different facilities in the U.S. In a Dec. 9 local news release, the agency revealed that it was suspending retail operations at the South Chattanooga Station Post Office in Chattanooga, Tennessee, “effective immediately.” According to the USPS, the P.O. Box lobby is still available to customers. But for retail window services, they will have to visit an alternative post office, like the nearby East Chattanooga Station. Then on Dec. 13, the Postal Service issued another local news release, alerting Washington customers to a closure. According to the alert, the agency has temporarily suspended operations at the post office in Long Beach, Washington. “Starting Dec. 14, 2022 Long Beach customers can pick up their mail at the Ilwaco Post Office,” the USPS said. The facility in Ilwaco, Washington, is less than five miles away from the Long Beach Post Office. RELATED: For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter. Safety is at the root of both closures. In its first release, the USPS said that the South Chattanooga Station Post Office was closing its retail area “due to safety reasons.” Local ABC-affiliate WTVC reported on Dec. 9 that the facility had a sign posted at the front that expressed the same sentiment. But the Postal Service would not elaborate on what the issue involves, according to the news outlet. “We apologize for any inconvenience customers may experience, but the safety of both customers and employees is our highest priority,” the USPS said in a statement. The Long Beach Post Office was also closed “due to safety concerns,” according to the Postal Service’s second news release. As with the Tennessee closure, the agency did not expand on these concerns in its announcement. But on Dec. 13, The Chinook Observer shed light on the situation: The Long Beach facility has been taped off, as it is expected to undergo an investigation from a hazardous material specialist, according to the local newspaper. “The Long Beach Post Office has been temporarily closed due to a utility leak,” Lecia Hall, a strategic communications specialist with the USPS, told the The Chinook Observer. “Currently, there is no information on a reopening time or date, but operations will resume as soon as it is safe to do so.” The Postal Service regularly closes and reopens facilities. There are currently several post offices that are temporarily closed to the public with safety in mind. Back in October and November, the USPS suspended services because of safety issues at post offices in Pemberton, Ohio; Stanley, New York; and Riverside, California. All three facilities are still closed right now. In an October news release, the agency said that the Stanley Post Office will be “closed until further notice due to unforeseen roof repairs.” On the other hand, both the Pemberton Post Office and the Magnolia Center Post Office in Riverside were closed after facility fires. A Postal Service spokesperson told Dayton radio station WHIO that fire damage had forced mail services to be moved from Pemberton “until further notice.” And in a November press release, the USPS said that the Magnolia facility was closed due to fire damage, and would “reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.” More recently, the Postal Service closed a post office in Arcadia, Wisconsin. A Dec. 9 alert from the agency said that “all retail operations are suspended due to safety concerns” at this facility. The USPS did not elaborate on the specific concerns plaguing the Arcadia Post Office, but did direct P.O. customers to pick up their mail at the Independence Post Office, and everyone else to utilize any of the agency’s several nearby retail locations.