1 Caught In the Act
The unnamed woman in Buderim, Queensland, came home to find something “off” about her kitchen—the microwave appeared to have been moved all by itself. After further exploration, the woman saw a giant snake’s tail hanging over the counter… and behind the microwave she found two gigantic pythons mating. Keep reading to learn more and see the video. 2 Call In the Experts
The woman called in Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7, a local company that specializes in removing snakes from people’s homes and offices. The snake catchers are well-used to seeing incidents like this during mating season and quickly and fearlessly got to work removing the amorous invaders. 3 Relocating the Love Birds
The Sunshine Coast crew took video and photos of the snakes, which they posted on Facebook under two different updates. “We arrived at a home in Buderim where two decent-sized Carpet Pythons had come into a lady’s kitchen through an open window and decided to snuggle up behind the microwave! We were able to get there very quickly and relocate the two love birds back out into the bush where they belong.“ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 4 Fearless Snake Experts
The snake wranglers shared footage of how they removed the snakes—and it’s not for the faint of heart. “Hows this for a situation to walk in on in your kitchen,’ their second post read. “A lady in Buderim called us after she noticed the microwave had been moved slightly and something was hiding behind it. Be sure to watch this afternoons epic video when Stu wrangles these two love birds!” RELATED: 10 Most Embarrassing Ways People Have Gone Viral This Year 5 Successful Removal

Video footage shows the snake wrangler “Stu” coming into the kitchen and having a chat with the homeowner, who says the snakes entered her property through an open window. Stu gets to work, grabbing a python in each hand. They immediately wrap themselves around his arms before he puts them into a black bag. He then releases them back into the bush to continue their relationship in peace. “Not every day that happens,” he can be heard saying.